Background Verification

Mac I Six Detective Agency provides critical information that protects your business and employees. We conduct background checks that protect firms from negligent hiring and help reduce chances of workplace violence, pilferages, disruption and other issues. Our background checks include an authentic investigation that helps in identifying and previous conviction or criminal record of the candidate. Any sort of wrongful disclosure of a prior criminal conviction can also be the basis not to select a candidate. In case of Background Check where investigators search where the applicant has lived, worked or studied in the past seven years should be checked.

Background Check is a very vital concept in Private Investigation. Background Check could be for various different purposes. It could be for Employment, for Matrimonial, for a Business Partner also background check is important for appointing domestic staff like Driver, full time servant at home etc. But for each of the type of background check mentioned have different requirement but very few people understand this. Most of the time people approach us and ask to carry out background check without going into the details of the background & sometime they do not like to reveal the purpose behind the exercise but they do not like to reveal the purpose behind that because they understand only the background check but not the difference between each type of Background Check.

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Employment Screening

Our background check report includes start date, end date and position. With accurate information about a candidate’s previous jobs, you can hire more qualified applicants. Other information obtained during pre-employment check of a candidate may include ending salary, reason for leaving, and eligibility for rehire. A scrutinized way to combat resume inflation, this employee screening service verifies the accreditation status of the institution, start date, end date, major, and degree. An employment background check without education check is of no value, so it is mandatory to find out the academic certificate verification, job profile authentication.

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Financial Background Check

The Financial Background Check is basically financial fraud, which can also be defined as deliberate act of dishonesty involving financial transaction for purpose of personal gain. When a financial fraud occurs within the company, those employees who handle finance of the company are treated as key employees who possess all the indoorinformation. These group of employee are the most trustworthy employees of the management hence whenever any Financial Fraud takes place generally management avoids confronting them because they usually know too much. Mac I Six Detective Agency generally uses different methodology for different situation to nail down the culprits.

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Relationship Background Check

The expert team provides complete authentic, absolutely unbiased report for the relationship status of an individual. The clients approach us for Post and pre Matrimonial investigation purpose to grab concrete information of the target social life and person indulgent (physical & emotional) attachment. The investigation team also finds out the number of relationship, previous relationship, love affair or any sort of commitments.

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Family Background Check

Mac I Six Detective Agency conduct a family background investigation, which comprise of social reputation check, financial status, character of the bride and groom, habits, nature, education, medical history or any other skeptical issue within the person. Sometime there are customized requirement especially in the case of second marriage.

Mac I Six Detective Agency is professional to the core and result oriented. “Quality” is the bottom line of Background Check, which we vociferously strive for. To us, quantity plays an insignificant role in our working methodology. It is felt in our company that quantity might bring in revenue and enhance affluence but remains barren of job satisfaction and self-esteem and invariably client satisfaction remains deprived.

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Our Team

Sandhya : Managing Director

Rajesh Sadasivan : Managing Partner

Mekha Dinesh: Legal Advisor

Vinoj : Investigator

Arun : Investigator

Amal : Investigator

Aji : Investigator

Bincy : Investigator

Soni : Investigator
